Exploring the world of fiber, one draft at a time

My posting can be as frequent or infrequent as my spinning, so be as patient as that fiber, sitting in my stash.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Buddha Board

And now for something completely different:

This is not fiber related, but every now and then I just have to share something that is so creative and just plain fun. I went to our local museum last Friday and while browsing in their gift shop, came across the Buddha Board. This plain white board, framed in black has a small tray for water, and a chinese brush. Straight out of the box it looks like this:

When you dip your brush in the water, and paint, it looks like this:

I love the fact that whatever you paint, looks very oriental, like an ink brush painting.

But what then happens is that as the water dries, the painting fades. How Zen is that?

Finally the board is completely dry, your 'life's pictures that pass in a moment, as your life' are also gone, and a new one, for just this minute, can be painted again.

I have the board on a fern stand in my dining room. As I pass by it, I take 30 seconds to stroke more lines on it, just because it is so much fun.



Anonymous said...

I worked mine into a Death and Grieving journal entry - don't mind the maudlin sentiment in the words, I was making a point. Hopefully this works!


Anonymous said...


stebo79 said...

This is cool stuff! Never seen that before.

I am listening to your podcast. You are doing a great job!

I am a beginning spinner on a spindle. I am allergic to wool, so I use cotton. Therefore I hope you will do an episode about cotton (on a wheel).
