Exploring the world of fiber, one draft at a time

My posting can be as frequent or infrequent as my spinning, so be as patient as that fiber, sitting in my stash.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

YST Podcast Episode 7 Skirting a fleece

The first Yarnspinnerstales podcast for the month of Februray is posted here or should show up in your Itunes subscribtion. Listen in as I skirt, sort and talk about this Shetland fleece:

Yes, that fleece is spread out on my car hood...I have found that hood to be the perfect height for this job. There's over 5 pounds of fleece there and most of it usuable.

The second podcast for February, to be released at the end of the month, will be a spin-in with two more sheep breed overviews. Hope you listen in to both.

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