Exploring the world of fiber, one draft at a time

My posting can be as frequent or infrequent as my spinning, so be as patient as that fiber, sitting in my stash.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

YST Episode 1 Combing Shetland Fleece

My first spinning podcast for you is about combing with large 5 pitch combs and can be found here.

These are definately the perfectly scary looking fiber processing tools for Halloween! Listen in as I explain in detail about how I use these to comb top from a Shetland fleece and enjoy some special halloween music.

Here's a few pictures for those that really need a visual along with the verbal :)

Indigo Hound five pitch base held combs, showing how I attach the base to my picnic table bench with the C clamp and then have the comb in the base, held with the dowel, teeth up.
The next photo shows the shetland locks loaded on the base comb, and the comb turned so the teeth face sideways. The hand held comb in being passed through the fiber, teeth pointed down with a small bite of fiber being combed.

This final photo shows the comb with the most fiber now place in the base help with the teeth up. The top is being gently pulled from the puff of combed fiber. No diz is being used for this top.

Please feel free to leave me comments here about the podcast, and until I get the one click subscribe button on my podcast page, you can catch future podcasts by either checking here, or putting into ITunes subscribe: http://yarnspinnerstales.libsyn.com/rss
Thanks for listening!

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