Wednesday, May 15, 2019

YST Episode 158 May 2019

I realize that is an unusual subtitle for a postcast.  I recently had a total knee replacement surgery, and for the first 15 minutes or so of this podcast, I do talk about how the healing process delayed my spinning and fiber work for several weeks.
But once the spinning wheels got going again, I had two WIP to talk about, the Pegosa alpaca project was continued and I finished spinning two fibers I had used for a project back in Sept. a babydoll Southdown and a Polworth.
As promised I did one book review at the end of this podcast.  It is Creative Spinning, a creative combination of two authors, Alison Daykin and Jane Deane.
The Polworth fiber I spun is from MohairandMore.  
The episode of this podcast where I review the breed Babydoll Southdown is here, episode 37.
Please see a separate non podcast page on the blog for a listing of episodes of this podcast that contain book reviews.  That way I can list the episode number, and the book title, and keep it updated.
Photo shown with this episode is of the southdown/polworth skeins I finished and talked about in the podcast.

Here's the latest episode

Here's some photos of the fibers I talk about in the podcast.  First up, babydoll southdown.  As you can see it is like roving/top had to tell the actual process with the short fibers.  Also you can see the very short neps that existed throughout the fiber.  Part was used to do the breed review and the rest was used for the combination skeins.

This is the Mohair and More polworth top.  I love the colors in this fiber.  I am also very aware that the colors flow lengthwise along the fiber, like the many colors were laid side by side and then the top was created.  So often the processing puts chunks of color along the length of the top, a completely different look to a colorway.

This is a better look at what I am talking about with the colors.  See how the blue, pink, white all travel along the length of the top.  Next to the opened top, is a Roberta bobbin with the spun single.

These are the skeins I would like to use together for a project.  On the left top is all babydoll southdown skein. Under it is a very small combo of both fiber.  The top long skein is 100% 2 ply polworth.  Then there is a smaller skein of the two fibers plied together, which looks bluer, and below that the largest skein of the two plied together.  The bottom skein is more of the southdown only.

These are the sample skeins for the alpaca, The Pegosa Project.  On the left is hand held combed top spun and 2 ply.  In the middle is the top from the large Indigo Hound 5 tine combs.  The largest skein on the right is from the four batts I drumcarded of the alpaca.

Details of all of these can be found on my project pages in Raveley, just search for me as Yarnspinnerstales to find my pages.

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