Monday, September 14, 2015

Sixth batch The big wash up

This is the last batch, and the yarns were put together because they are all natural colored fibers.  From left to right on the top photo:

Three color batts of CVM from Wild Haire Studio. There are two skeins. First 162 yards and the second 55 yards. Both are 12 WPI and 2 ply.

Cashmere/silk blend I made on my hand cards and spun on a drop spindle.  60 yards 2 ply 17 WPI.

Suri combed top I made medium fawn color. 90 yards 14 WPI 2 ply.

Alpaca color apricot blush carded by me. This is a single of 50 yards.  WPI?

Manx Loaghtan two sample skeins. First was combed and is 25 yards 13 WPI 2 ply.  The second was a test of carding the fiber 48 yards 2 ply 11WPI spun semi woolen.

Cashmere 100% top.  110 yards,14 WPI 2 ply.

From left to right:

Three skeins of Corriedale.  I bought the fleece skirted it and sent it to Wooly Knob Fiber Mill for processing.  These were spun from some of the roving, there is more to spin. First skein was a sample skein, 39 yards 10 WPI 2 ply.  Next two have 300 and 330 yards and are 10 WPI 2 ply.  All were spun woolen.

The last skein is alpaca 100%. I have called it my white/red skein because the fleece I carded into batts had both fawn and white in it.  The skein is a nice consistent color though.  There is 300 yards of a 2 ply WPI?

There is more yarn to wash, but certainly not the amount already done!

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