Friday, October 09, 2009


Sometimes it amazes me just how fast time flies. I could not believe it was mid Aug when I last updated this blog.

I was busy though, with mainly non fibery things. Work related classes and a certification exam. A wonderful vacation. The never ending housework and gardening, including mowing. Another podcast. Some clothes sewing (mostly alterations). Several batches of tomato sauce made. Some knitting, some spinning, and much handspun yarn listed on my Artfire Store, ZavagantStudio. This is just what I can remember this morning, with only one cup of coffee in me.

Sometimes I wish I kept better journals about my day to day. It just seems that actually doing the 'day to day' gets in the way of doing just that. But really it's like any habit, once established, will be easier to do everyday. And I just have not established the habit of recording my daily life.

Still, blogging and other internet journal records (like my gardening journal and Ravelry) have aided me in getting at least more recorded than I would have before their advent. For this I am truly grateful. There is so much satisfaction in going back on this blog two years, and reading all about what I was doing with spinning and knitting. There's a joy to go and look on my projects on Ravelry and see the completed photos. Oh of course there were dozens of other knitted projects and spun yarns before that, but at least it's a start. I am a firm believer in archiving the day to day of everyone, because ultimately that is our true history.

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